The Act of Adaptation: Form, Content and the Quest to Make Meaning – curious arts

The Act Of Adaptation: Form, Content And The Quest To Make Meaning

There are innumerable methodologies and aesthetic values to negotiate when undertaking an adaptation for the stage. The most apparent approach is a simple transposition of narrative or “staging the plot.” While transposition can lead to very stage-worthy work, it can be artistically problematic when it fails to address the urgent questions of adaptation, the first … Read moreThe Act of Adaptation: Form, Content and the Quest to Make Meaning – curious arts

Video: Chris Bullough and Jesse Gervais – curious arts

Video: Chris Bullough And Jesse Gervais

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the University of Alberta’s Department of Drama, the Curious Arts blog is sharing 50 Reasons to Go See A Play throughout the 2015-16 season. Or The Whale director and writer Chris Bullough and cast member Jesse Gervais share reasons 29 and 30 in our 50 Reasons to Go See A … Read moreVideo: Chris Bullough and Jesse Gervais – curious arts

50 Years of Art & Design celebrated in pages – curious arts

art & design @ 50, the book project to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Department of Art & Design, began in December 2014. It was a collaborative effort by professors Betsy Boone and Sue Colberg, the editor and the designer of the book, respectively. After one year’s effort, this book finally appeared to its … Read more50 Years of Art & Design celebrated in pages – curious arts