The Roxy Theatre – curious arts

Artists and audiences made it together On January 13, we woke up to the shocking news that Edmonton had lost the Roxy Theatre. Heather Zwicker, a professor of English at the University of Alberta and a volunteer on Make Something Edmonton’s activation board, wrote a poignant post for Make Something Edmonton’s blog, reflecting on what … Read moreThe Roxy Theatre – curious arts

How to: Perform new music – curious arts

Contemporary saxophonist Allison Balcetis shares expert advice on playing new compositions The Studio Theatre rehearsal schedule consistently has a full tech week in the Timms Centre built into the production schedule but it is quite typical for tech time to be far more compressed. For instance, the artists performing in the Department of Music’s faculty … Read moreHow to: Perform new music – curious arts

Carson Tarnasky’s Influence

Design student’s installation at Franconia Sculpture Park a mix of natural and forged elements The rustic vessel stands in a grassy sculpture park in Minnesota – a memorial to BDes/Industrial Design student Carson Tarnasky’s grandfather. Built of wood, concrete and steel, the sculpture is a mix of natural materials and forged elements, symbolizing a lineal … Read moreCarson Tarnasky’s Influence