From Fringe With Love – curious arts

From Fringe With Love 32nd Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival

From Fringe With Love By: Joanna Manchur, Fine Arts Recruitment Coordinator In my role as the University of Alberta Fine Arts recruiter when I talk to prospective students about the Drama department and all the options students have to study theatre, I find one of my favourite tid-bits of information to share is about the … Read moreFrom Fringe With Love – curious arts

Forgiveness in The Last Days of Judas Iscariot – curious arts

Kiss Of Judas, Carracci Lodovico

Director’s Notes by Simon Bloom In the 14th century, Italian poet Dante Alighieri wrote  The Divine Comedy, his theological trilogy on the fate of the soul after death. Inferno, the first book of the series, describes in gruesome detail the punishment doled out to the sinners condemned to one of Hell’s nine horrifying circles. In … Read moreForgiveness in The Last Days of Judas Iscariot – curious arts

Poster Design Case Study: Saint Joan – curious arts

Imagery For The Play Saint Joan

The many sides of Saint Joan – Sarah Chou on how she represented the play. Good theatre poster design looks like it’s creation was effortless if the designer has done their job right but a lot of work and forethought happens behind the scenes. Take the process of creating U of A Studio Theatre’s poster … Read morePoster Design Case Study: Saint Joan – curious arts

Idea 2 of Sarah Chou’s design for the play Saint Joan – curious arts

Idea 2 of Sarah Chou’s design for the play Saint Joan – curious arts Idea 2 of Sarah Chou’s design for the play Saint Joan ©

Halcyon Days – curious arts

Wall Painted With The Words Halcyon Days

UAlberta Bachelor of Fine Arts 2013 Graduate show Earlier this week I was treated to a private walk-through of Halcyon Days – the Bachelor of Fine Arts Graduate show going on right now in FAB Gallery. As Cara Seccafien, Erin Walker and Gillian McCarron talked about the pieces of art they gave me an intimate … Read moreHalcyon Days – curious arts